Bedriftspresentasjon med SUBPRO
Tredje, Fjerde, Femte,
Kjel 1
20. april - 18:15
Pie Asla-Jakobsen
22 av 58
SUBPRO inviterer 3.-5. klasse ved Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi til bedriftspresentasjon i Kjel 1 kl. 18:15 torsdag 20. april med påfølgende pizzabuffet i kantina på Kjelhuset.
SUBPRO er et forskningsbasert inovasjonssenter som bidrar til viktig utvikling innen havbunnsproduksjon og prosessering. Det er til enhver tid 25 PhD-stipendiater og forskere ansatt ved senteret. I løpet av arrangementet vil det bli kunngjort ulike summer-internships, og kommende PhD-muligheter.
Minner om at arrangementet ikke utelukkende er for studenter ved IKP, men spesielt tilpasset disse studentene.
Slik beskriver SUBPRO arrangementet (ENG):
There will be presentations by some of the industry partners (with recruitment opportunities), by Centre director Sigurd Skogestad, by the new SUBPRO-Zero Centre Director Johannes Jäschke, SUBPRO master student and former intern Yoonsik Oh and some of our PhD candidates/researchers that took their master here at NTNU. Summer internship opportunities for 2023 and future PhD possibilities will be presentedduring the meeting.
Some information on SUBPRO:
SUBPRO is a researched-based innovation centre (SFI) within subsea production and Processing. Partners in 2023: NTNU – Equinor –Lundin Energy - Neptune Energy - Aker BP - DNV – Kongsberg Digital – Aker Solutions – TotalEnergies. To accelerate the level of innovations within the subsea oil and gas industry, a new centre for research-based innovation (SFI) within subsea production and processing, called SUBPRO, was started up in the third quarter of 2015 – headed by NTNU. The research centre is financed by the Research Council of Norway and several major international energy companies and subsea system suppliers.
The unique feature of the SUBPRO centre is that it combines world class subsea competence and experience provided by the industry partners, with research performed by scientifically strong academic groups from the Departments of Chemical Engineering, Geoscience and Petroleum, and Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at NTNU. The centre works within a wide range of areas - from fundamental research on breakage of droplets and coalescence, to gas, oil and water treatment, system control, field architecture and reliability and safety. A significant potential lies within the cross-discipline collaboration between these different research areas.
About 25 PhD students and postdocs work at the center at any given time and we are also looking for students for summer jobs (primary as recruitment to SUBPRO).
Vi minner om at Industrikomiteen sitt prikksystem gjelder for dette arrangementet.
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