Arbeidsgiver: Subsea 7
Link : Her
Frist: 14.03.25
Ansettelsesform: Sommerjobb
Sted: Stavanger
Om stilllingen:
The energy transition is an incredible journey. We are looking for students with the drive and passion to make the journey possible.
This is a great opportunity to come and work with us; learn about what we do and what it means to work for Subsea7.
You will follow daily work where you will be assigned with both interesting and challenging work tasks.
We will give you the chance to network with experts and to develop your technical and non-technical skills in a great working environment.
We are looking for summer interns to support in one of the following departments:
- SCM Logistics
- Administration
We are looking for candidates who are:
- Actively engaged in ongoing studies
- Sufficient in knowledge of Microsoft products (Excel, Sharepoint, Teams etc.)
- Willing to challenge themselves and keen to learn more about our business
- Service minded and flexible
- Good in both verbal and written English.
Work period:
Mid-June to mid/end of August. We will prioritize students that can work through the whole period.
Please upload temporary transcript or other document describing subjects and grades achieved to this point. Please note that you need to upload all documents (CV, transcript etc. in a single combined file)
Applications will be evaluated on an ongoing basis.