Arbeidsgiver: NTNU
Link : Her
Frist: 02.03.25
Ansettelsesform: PhD Stilling
Sted: Trondheim

Om stillingen:

As a PhD Candidate with us, you will work to achieve your doctorate and, at the same time, gain valuable experience that qualifies you for a further career in higher education and research, in and outside academia.

Department of Chemical Engineering seeks a PhD candidate to investigate solvent management technologies in amine-based CO2 capture plants. 

This position at the Department of Chemical Engineering at NTNU focuses on chemical absorption and, more specifically, on the modelling of solvent degradation.  Carbon dioxide is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities, and the development and implementation of technologies for emission reduction are of great importance. Of the various methods to separate CO2 from industrial gases, absorption-based CO2 capture using aqueous alkanolamine solutions has reached the commercial stage. One of the remaining challenges is solvent degradation, which is also linked to equipment corrosion, as many solvent degradation compounds are corrosive. Solvent degradation is the irreversible transformation of an absorbent solution into other compounds that may cause equipment corrosion, amine loss, fouling, foaming, and finally reduction of CO2 absorption capacity. 

This PhD work focuses on the modelling of degradation of a selected solvent blend. The aim is to build a model describing solvent degradation and the formation of degradation compounds over time at process-relevant conditions. The developed degradation model will be connected to a process model, allowing the prediction of solvent degradation and corrosion to understand how the degradation depends on process conditions like temperatures, process design and oxygen.